Monday, August 30, 2010

I wish my name was LÄRA

I am not a vegan. Not a vegetarian. I do not need to eat gluten-free foods. One thing though that I do try to do is eat healthy foods with natural ingredients (don't judge me when you see me downing a bacon cheeseburger, dripping with ketchup...mmm... ketchup).

Anyway (still thinking about that cheeseburger), I have been searching for a natural-ingredient-packed bar for years. I have done the grocery store granola, Cliff bars, Luna, etc... but I always felt a little bad about what I was eating.

Enter the LÄRABAR. 

My dreams have come true and my prayers have been answered. It's the original fruit and nut food bar. It is perfect. I can eat it for breakfast, lunch, dinner (yeah right), snack, and its perfect before the gym. 

I know that this is not the most appetizing picture if you have never had one before. But you can SEE the nuts from here! Don't mind the lesson plans in the background...

Look at all that goodness crammed in this thing. 

The chocolate chip brownie one I had today had BY FAR the most ingredients I had ever seen on the package. 

This one is my hands down favorite. Look at those ingredients! Dates, almonds, unsweetened apples, walnuts... THAT'S IT. And it is deeeelicious!

I love that this bar meets so many dietary restrictions. Although I do not have any, it's nice to know its good clean food. 

The LÄRABAR website shows how many flavors and gives a really interesting history. 

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